NOMAD data download service: UVIS channel hdf5_level_1p0b

Please enter a regular expression to search for filenames


20210101_.* finds all observations for this channel made on 1st January 2021

.*_LNO_._N.* finds all LNO nightside nadir observations

.*_UVIS_L finds all UVIS limb observations

201[89][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_.* finds all files from 2018 and 2019

.*_LNO_._.*_169 finds all LNO files measuring order 169

.*_LNO_._D[FP]_189 finds all dayside nadir LNO measurements of order 189

2019[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*_LNO_._L_(164|166) finds all 2020 LNO limb measurements of order 164 and 166

2018(0[89]|10)[0-9][0-9].*_UVIS_N.* finds all UVIS nightside measurements from August/September/October 2018

0 matching files found: